Fuck the Catholics. Just Fuck them.

Incredible.  I think some Catholic leaders need to get off their fat, lazy asses and do a few shifts down at the local ER.  These filthy bastards are exploiting the pandemic to their own ends just like Trump and the legislative arm of his criminal enterprise, the GOP.  Cocksucking Mutherfuckers, the whole lot.

Colorado bishops warn Catholics about morality of COVID-19 vaccines, citing fetal cells

Seems the bible thumpers want to leverage human reproduction as a subsidiary business.  What better way to generate demand for more babies than making plenty of room with a raging pandemic?  Brilliant!  And if the “immoral” vaccine was the only one available?  Arbiters of science now, huh?  Just pointing out a few ambiguous facts to help keep the flock guessing?

Apart from supporting their parasitic leaders, this is what religion is good for:  Fucking things up.  Watch the goalposts go clear out of the stadium on this one…

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