Looks Like Football Season's in the Crapper

Thanksgiving game with the Ravens now postponed for the 2nd time, until Tuesday.  At least I won’t be too disappointed about Pittsburgh missing the opportunity for another Super Bowl.  Anybody with the slightest bit of common sense and access to a television could have predicted the outcome of the 2020-1 NFL season, unless there is some reason to believe the NFL is any smarter about SARScoV2 than the government.

Sick players, schedule borked, what next?

Gotta love those plastic face shields.  What a fucking shitshow:  “Besides, it’s hard to make the Ravens solely responsible for the potential inability to play. As explained earlier today, the league allowed the Ravens to gather at the facility on Monday and Tuesday despite obvious evidence of an ongoing outbreak. The league wanted to preserve the Thanksgiving night game if it could. That calculated risk apparently backfired; if it keeps the Ravens from playing on Sunday, the Ravens can’t solely be faulted for that.”

Late Update 11/29:  Broncos QB’s all out with Covid today.  But they will play anyway.  What — a — fucking — shit — show.

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