Pretense to Oblivion

Henceforth, no religious holidays will be observed in any way shape or form at the 5712 household.  Christmas is the biggie, being the one emphasized in my xtian upbringing.  Hanukkah, Ramadan and anything else emanating from the cesspool of human thought known to me as religion, will be roundly ignored.

I harbor no ill will for the devout with one glaring exception:  Their beliefs are the pretense to political power and much of what is wrong in many places around the world.  Everything is political, but when politics becomes plain old propagandized mind control aimed at the most vulnerable, something must change.  It took a few hundred years to reach a flash-point in this country.  The 2020 fight for social justice is really just the fight against a political base perverted with religion.

We have come too far to allow a shrinking minority to continue derailing progress.  Fuck religion – ALL RELIGION – and anybody who believes they deserve some grandfathered seat at the political table.  Of course they may continue voting for the con man of their choice as long as charlatans in the pulpit and government convince them to believe their lies.  But supporting them financially with tax-free status only prolongs their suffering and delays everything else..

The facts and data behind the pic below clearly explain the big problem for anyone able to read between the lines.  You simply cannot have a minority dictating to the majority.  The irony of how that minority was electorally manipulated and mobilized for evil in the 2016 election will forever be a failure ingrained in my personal psyche.  We will never realize society’s potential or break free of authoritarian rule until either the codified government ties to religion are cut, or their adherents simply die off over time.  The planet might not be able to wait that long.

It’s not just about you or your cult.

There’s another Trump waiting in the wings, for their opportunity to leverage religion.  That’s just how it goes when you drink your own kool-aid.

Jesus said things which are demonstrably false, and he said them in a way that couldn’t possibly mean he was speaking figuratively. These were not allegories. He was literally saying that if you believe, you’ll have superpowers granted to you by God himself. Their Bible is full of lies, and their son of God was a liar. That’s no reason to nail him to some wood, but let’s call a spade a spade. Jesus made promises he could not, and did not deliver, and people still believe his lies, as we see here in this country today. Any common storekeeper is more trustworthy than Jesus. If you order something from their store, there’s a chance they will deliver it. If you order a prayer from Jesus, nothing happens. Do yourself a favor. You like reading about Jesus, right? Keep reading all 50 proofs of why Jesus’ teachings and the related Bible hogwash is imaginary. Then, look at the Bible, realize you’ve been lied to, and move on with your life.

Cocksukers wrote it in, now they can live (die) with it.

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