More VA Abuse and Negligence

I had my share.  They are overworked, underpaid and swamped with patients.  No question.  Unfortunately the response is to just not do the work.  It happened to me and now I’m crippled for the rest of my life, unable to walk or even stand up for any length of time.  This ax of mine is almost ground to the handle, but I continue seeing stuff like this and it still makes my blood boil.

“Upon discovering the low rate of diagnosis at the New Orleans VA, Sautter said he compiled a list of vets who screened positive for a possible traumatic brain injury but never got the VA-mandated follow-up. He said there were hundreds who didn’t receive the proper care.”

“You know you’re going into some bureaucracy when you enter, but nothing could prepare you for how blatantly, incredibly bad the denial of care is.”

My screening after they surgically broke my back basically involved being told there was nothing wrong with me, take some ibuprofen and go away.  The scary part is the VA or some VA-like incarnation is set to be our universal healthcare of the future.  They are already the biggest health maintenance organization in the country.  Good luck with that.

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