It Bears Repeating

This came up a couple years ago when I started wrestling with the worst bout of political cognitive dissonance ever.  The problem then appeared as a vacuum – couldn’t see it at all, much less understand it.  How could this happen?  Talk about frustration.  I’ve noticed that most of the times I’m having trouble and getting frustrated with some mechanical gizmo it’s simply due to not being able to see what I’m doing.  More light, better angle and ultimately the right tool almost always leads to success.

In retrospect, we are far more fortunate than most to have the tools and plenty of light to get the job done.  At this juncture in our country’s political journey, it’s time to try a new angle.  Conservatism as an ideology is not inherently wrong or bad – except when it leverages the wrong angle.  The job’s not getting done and people are dying by the thousands because of it.  Here’s the light:

History really does repeat itself.

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