It's Time for MORE

It’s time to get past the Marijuana thing.  If your body is anything like mine, and I’m pretty typical, by the time you reach 60yo things start wearing out and breaking.  If you’re more like me, you were already breaking stuff a long time ago.  This is what I look like to the Veteran’s Administration at this time.  At least it seems they fast-tracked the C-Spine appeal.  That was starting to get ridiculous.  I’m awaiting the 1st formal response to my recently filed 1151 for the left hip/L4-5 malpractice.  That’s the worst of my medical issues and not even in the mix as far as they are concerned right now.

Depression “not” service connected? OK, whatever.

You’d never know it by just looking at me, but I’m pretty messed up – dual nerve root damages with advanced arthritis everywhere and lots of surgically-installed metal to show for it.  I had a couple scary episodes with prescribed pharmaceuticals, taken as directed in recent years.  I suspect the combination of Tramadol, Venlafaxine and Gabapentin nearly gave me serotonin syndrome.  Etodolac sent me the ER with chest pains.  I doubt my kidneys miss the mass quantities of NSAIDS.  Alot of it is downright toxic.  I’ve swallowed enough pills to kill a horse over the years, but I’m still alive.  I credit The Weed.

They don’t like to admit it, but the medical community doesn’t really have much to treat this type stuff long term, except joint replacements.  I’m living proof of that.  Nada for the neuropathy/radiculopothy.  But Cannabis does the trick.  It’s no cure-all, just an effective home remedy for these sorts of things making life tolerable.  The government and medical community needs to wake up and smell the TerpenesGet with the program.

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