Here We Go

I’m almost tempted to guess this might be a bolt of brilliance right out of the blue. But if you’re gonna do the herd immunity thing, all this half-assed DIY whatever only prolongs the problem.  On about a millisecond’s consideration, it’s likely more of the same – either just willful ignorance *or* another deed in the ongoing plot to destabilize and eventually overthrow the U.S. government.  Maybe DeSantis thinks the Swedish experiment needs another go in Florida?  After all, it didn’t work the first time around, either in Sweden or Florida.  What was that thing about the difference between smart and dumb people again?

The idiot Kemp from Georgia tried similar shenanigans with the Atlanta mask restriction a couple months ago.  It was pretty clear he was just kowtowing to Trump at the time.  No, what we have here is the beginning of the end for Florida – a state with one of the highest elderly population densities.  They are either too stupid or too ignorant to realize what DeSantis is doing to them and the healthcare system.  Can’t wait to hear Beau’s take on this.

We’ve already seen how pandemic regulatory confusion plays out in countless episodes across the country.  It’s really pretty simple:  Bad things happen and more people get sick and die.  People don’t like being told “livelihood” takes a backseat to “life.”  And there’s still a couple problems with a free society we haven’t quite worked out yet.  Right or wrong, people do what they want, believe what they want, and they see what they want.  Too bad you can’t see Coronavirus.

We’re comin’ to get ya!!

And if the NFL has issues with insurance costs and potential liability, DeSantis said that “maybe we’ll address that after the election here in Florida with the new Legislature.”
Late Update:  Yeah, the 5th Column Perspective was priceless.

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