Ruth Bader Ginsburg

I’ve enjoyed dabbling in political punditry with my own irreverent style on the little Stuffisa site here ever since I learned Trump was a treasonous criminal a couple years ago.  Many others in journalism around the world have informed my rants.  But Colorado’s own Mike Littwin caught my attention more than once, with his uniquely insightful breakdowns of the obscure machinations in this country’s government(s).  I’ll leave it to him for summarizing a new facet of the unfortunate political situation we now find ourselves in.

Ruth’s diminutive physical stature belied a giant of the legal profession.  No words I have can do her JUSTICE.  Following the passing of one of our greatest Supreme Court Judges,  all I can do post a pic and sit here crying.

Fighting Cancer for decades, she hung on till the bitter end – but not quite long enough.

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