Thanks for the Confirmation

The never-ending back-and-forth between Trump and the media came to a head yesterday, with more unsurprising stories about POTUS’ comments regarding our military.   The debate over truth and reality will rage on, but the facts are clear to those not willfully ignorant enough to ignore them.  One of the tried and true principles I apply in many aspects of life is pattern recognition.  It holds all sorts of benefits for creatures able to exploit the knowledge advantage it offers.  Trump is a textbook case in pattern recognition.  Wish I’d seen it sooner.

“it could have been a guy like” his former chief of staff, John Kelly, said the Fuckwit-in-Chief, responding to questions at yesterday’s press briefing.  Thanks for the confirmation on that one.  We have the McCain comments on video, former assistant SecDef on the USS Roosevelt, and others well documented.  It’s a clear pattern, to me.  Cabinet officials in denial means just more confirmation.

Do I trust the media?  Yes and no – it depends.  That’s a big part of the problem now.  There are far too many people in this country who either do not or cannot effectively evaluate the information they receive, for various reasons.  That creates a pretty big problem when things like voting for POTUS boil down to a binary choice.  This state of affairs plays right into the hands of dishonest criminals fleecing the world with credit card and phishing scams over the Internet for decades.  Now they run in well-financed state-sponsored gangs brokering botnets from operationally optimized locations across the globe.  Cyber crime has risen to the level of global political corruption.

Trump is just a symptom of the digital security apparition invading our lives.  Everybody wants to be an “influencer” on social media.  But the influence they push may or may not be the direction you want or need, with truth and veracity often difficult to distinguish.  I’d still like to see this fucker with 2-in-the-hat.

Guilty of Crimes Against Humanity. Time to get to work on this list.

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