Proximate Cause

No, I’m not going to examine a currently fashionable Covid downplay surrounding co-morbid reporting rules.  This would be far more specific when say for example, someone’s life ends quite suddenly on the wrong end of a gun.  Kyle Rittenhouse’ AR, specifically.

Rational people agree the neo-nationalist white supremacy movement is a root problem issue for alot of shyt in this country right now.  That’s why he was there, no doubt, no argument.  It is (or was) all on Facebook.  Now what shall we say was the proximate cause of death for those people?  Looks like Facebook, to me.

Ooooo, it’s working Vlad!

And the inanity continues. I don’t know where these lines intersect if I ever did, but consider yourself part of this country’s biggest problems today if you are a Facebook user, supporter, employee and especially that dickhead Fuckerberg,  They’ll be shutting down Russian accounts right and left claiming victory for the 1st amendment and the free Internet this election cycle.  Too bad the damage is already done.

“The nearly 8,000-word bulleted list of no-nos describes with often explicit levels of granularity how Facebook defines more than 20 different offenses, from harassment and graphic violence to false news and fake accounts.”

Niiiice.  How’s that working out for us?

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