Herd Immunity?

With the government’s un-coordinated, hands-off non-approach effectively spreading SARS-coV-2 unchecked throughout the country, I imagine we are looking at around 3-4 years to reach herd immunity – “if” (BIG if) the herd immunity goal is even possible with this virus at scale.  Individual convalescent results are not looking good at this time.  “Unfortunately, early surveys suggest there is a long way to go. Estimates from antibody testing — which reveals whether someone has been exposed to the virus and made antibodies against it — indicate that only a small proportion of people have been infected, and disease modelling backs this up.”

I don’t know how much more “out of control” you could call this.

The 1st wave reached it’s peak in the U.S. just around a week or so ago as schools and colleges across the country felt pressure to get people together indoors in large numbers.  2nd wave probably comes in about another year or so, depending on how willfully ignorant the re-opening progresses and vaccine efficacy.  Don’t be surprised to see an extended hurry up and wait period on this topic.  At least they are documenting the inanity.  Immunity, inanity, Trump says tomatoe, science says tomahto.

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