Unified Theory of Stupid

Mark Agee, Trea’s new sidekick on their Evening Skews, Youtube show recently espoused an amusing hypothesis to explain Trumpism, generally speaking.  My analogy would be one of these fire tornadoes we see in the big forest blazes.  You get enough shyt flying around fast enough and it starts generating it’s own weather system.  Similarly, enough stupid flowing in the same direction and… Q-Anon.

The Q-Anon phenomenon is a real thing, so as Maher wondered aloud whether or not the Dimwit-in-Chief would float a convention reveal of himself as “Q,” we were treated to another round of fear mongering with lurid images of violence and brutality happening now in Trump’s GOP America lacing news feeds everywhere across the globe.  Maybe he already forgot who’s been President for the past 43 months?  It’s no longer a gaslighting exercise.  It’s the biggest gaslight-house ever, presently broadcasting at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington DC.

Trump says “they are people who love America.”  The official RNC explanation goes something like this:  He didn’t say that. And if he did say that, he didn’t mean it. And if he did mean it, you didn’t understand it. And if you did understand it, it’s not a big deal. And if it is a big deal, others have said worse.

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