What's the Acronym CDC Stand For?

For all practical purposes, I’m gonna say “Charlatan Dictator Conspirators.”  It’s also now looking like FDA stands for “Fucking Dipshit Assholes.”  The NIH, with that fuckwit Azar at the helm, shall henceforth be known to me as the “National Idiocy Harbingers.”  I still cannot understand how the cancer called Trumpism infected every health agency in government so quickly and completely.  This nonsense is just insane.

The current state of our politically warped view on healthcare in this country portends only one thing to me.  It’s an insidious,  illegal power grab, with the bad part being pure, willful Republican ignorance and arrogance.  The stakes have never been higher (cough, cough).  It’s gonna take two Biden terms followed by two Harris terms to fix this shyt.  The Republican party must no longer be a viable entity on the other side of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic.  There is no place for pandemic politics in a civilized society.

This is The United States Today. How’s all that Trump shyt working out for ya now?

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