Wall Payments Overdue

I guess Mexico needed help with the wall financing, so Bannon instinctively pounced on an opportunity to further exploit Trump’s supporters.  Dumb enough to vote for him in the 1st place, means they might be dumb enough to kick in themselves – to the tune of $23M.  He was arrested on fraud and money laundering charges and escorted back to land from a 150ft Chinese yacht off the Connecticut coast yesterday.

Why I don’t find this surprising is demonstrably obvious.  But I find the fact this mutherfucker is rubbing elbows with Chinese billionaires rather disturbing.  They (rogue Republicans) are clearly scheming with Russia and China at all levels both diplomatically and economically to defraud, destabilize and ultimately destroy the United States as a democratic Republic for the purpose of expanding their capitalist greed.  The only issue at this point is how well coordinated and how deeply ensconced  the cocksucker’s treason has gotten with our enemies.

These fuckers are just playing games with our lives to enrich themselves.  “Multiple people familiar with the matter tell NBC News there is a separate federal inquiry involving a company linked to both men, GTV Media Group.”  I wonder how much campaign activity is going to be mediated by that so-called “media group?”

We got $20M in wall money! Should buy quite a few votes, er, memes.

Self described as a fighter against the Chinese Kleptocracy, this Wngui guy is a carbon copy Chinese version of Trump before he got elected.  Probably a little smarter.  But you could say that about almost anybody.

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