New Kiki

Shouldn’t take long for the “new” part to wear off.  Francie found her at a friend’s farm down by the river east of here.  She’s the runt of the litter, and that makes her really special to us.  Old Kiki was a very small cat, probably a runt as well.  But what she lacked in physical stature was more than offset by an intense fighting spirit.  Kiki was always the one out on the back fence fending off intruders, while the big, lazy tomcat, Marshall stayed inside.

Her sister, Tigger, is obviously much bigger.  I took Kiki to the vet the day after we got her, for a quick checkup, just because she was so small and unsteady at 7 weeks.  He said we should wait a couple weeks for 1st shots due to her small size, but otherwise she seems OK.  

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