One Last Shitbird

“Gardner strongly supports Trump’s continued efforts to kill the Affordable Care Act, which protects against pre-existing conditions. This, along with expanded Medicaid coverage made possible by the ACA, provides health care for nearly a million residents of Colorado. A Supreme Court decision on the Trump case to kill the ACA is due after the election.”

“Gardner defends federal negligence in fighting the COVID-19 pandemic, which has killed more than 130,000 Americans and shows little sign of slowing down, as compared with other countries that have managed to bring it largely under control.”

“Gardner was silent when news broke that Russia was paying bounties to Afghan Taliban fighters to hunt and kill American soldiers!”

Sorry for all the cut ‘n paste, but Claudine Schneider sums it up pretty wellThe voting record clearly speaks for itself.  Gardner is obviously now a dyed-in-the-wool Trump supporter.  I imagine Bitch McConnel had his phallus far enough up Cory’s butt to keep him in line for the impeachment, so he’s now a known quantity:  Cocksucking power grabber, with no motivation for anything except staying in office.  Good luck with that, fuckface.

Does McConnel’s cock feel good all the way up your ass?

OBTW – if I see your stupid fucking children in one more TV ad, they will join in the fun here next time.  Just sayin’ – you started it, dickhead.

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