The End Game has Begun

I did not really believe Trump would have the temerity to attempt what has transpired during his administration.  The overtly cruel and heinous manner in which this buffoon has shattered all norms of acceptable behavior for a Commander in Chief is nothing less than shocking and regrettable.  It the final analysis, Democracy will prevail and Trump will be in jail.

Knowing public attention to the truth was always his Achilles heel, and full well how manipulating the media from all angles was the propaganda birthright in his warped vision of a new era in Western authoritarianism was well, let’s just say stupid.  He got away with it for too long, supported by sycophants with compatible aspirations.

Too bad for him it’s not working.  Unfortunately it’s gone way too far before rational, honest people were able to do anything about it.  The good news is, light of day is now shining brightly on the Traitor-in-Chief’s little den of iniquity called the White House.  Time to clean house.  I think there is time for another impeachment.  Should go pretty quick this time.  That would be an impressively unique legacy for the cocksucker.  But we still have the debacle deciding what risk is less:  Wait for the election, or do it now.  He’s not gonna go quietly, either way.  Hopefully enough of his sycophants are sick of him by now.

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