Two Big Problems

Healthcare and cops.  What do these seemingly universal, mundane societal institutions have in common when it comes to the “problem” category these days?  It is pretty simple when you step back and focus the optics.  They are two of the secret societies Kennedy warned us about.

Law Enforcement and Healthcare are insulated from oversight and protected from regulation and legal liability by a system of laws and government designed not for the benefit of the citizenry, but only for the LE/Med operator’s financial gain and grip on power.  Municipal security and healthy people are merely secondary considerations.  The real purpose of the public-facing houses of law enforcement and healthcare is to form a facade hiding the fat, dumb and happy mayors, doctors, insurance executives and politicians raping society for every penny they can extract.

I find it particularly disturbing how the army of clinicians, patrol officers, nurses, administrators, clerks and other worker bees do not seem to understand how badly they are being exploited.  Just look at the budgets.  What is the first thing that happens when they get cut?  “Follow the Money” was never a more appropriate adage illustrating the degree to which our society has degraded into a financial fuck-all in terms of what the police and doctors are doing.  Police get big chunks of the general spending in many jurisdictions, but their budgets pale in comparison to the healthcare money being spent on among other things, cleaning up their messes.

“New York City is currently spending more on policing than on health, homeless services, youth development, and workforce development combined.”

…with the unions and politicians feeding off each other.  What makes the lawyers piles of money with  malpractice lawsuits backed up for years and allows people like George Floyd to be murdered in the street?  Healthcare and cops.  It is a mindset purposely designed that way and we are doing it to ourselves.  And remember, you are approximately 9,000 times more likely to be killed by a healthcare provider than anyone wielding a gun.  The silver lining to this pandemic is laying bare long standing problems.  Will we as a society have the wherewithal to fix them?

What seems to be the problem? Not enough paper masks and plastic shields?

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