Apparently, WWII is not Over

Either that, or the Russians want to go over it again.  Maybe the plan is to just paint red stars on our tanks and jets after enough people go down with Covid.

“Security experts have called the withdrawal plan a “gift” to Russia as it comes amid serious tensions between Washington and Moscow over arms control, Moscow’s support for separatists in Ukraine, the U.S. withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal and other issues.”

Helsinki.  Ukraine.  Facebook.  Crimea.  Mueller.  Connect the goddamn dots.  At some point, you have to start wondering if the dots were already connected before the 2016 election.  Either we cannot seem to recognize and deal with the person drawing the lines, or it’s been over since 2016, and we just haven’t been notified.

Next door to Russia is now a virtual thing.
Chinese still feeling real agitated, too.

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