Lemming Stampede

“What happens if we get to November and stock markets are at all-time highs, and we’re at 15% unemployment, and the food [banks] don’t have food? Imagine this world. That world in a much lesser way is what brought us Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders.”

Money-starved forces behind the Covid-19 inspired U.S. economic shutdown are now forcefully pulling in opposite directions.  Science vs. Greed is center stage in a government-sponsored three ring circus largely responsible for it’s own undoing.  I am not talking about just the Federal government either, despite their leading role in the inanity.  State and local governments hold full responsibility for their uneven healthcare and unemployment policies, disjointed disaster preparedness and bean-counter budgeting.  There’s plenty of pandemic blame to go around for everybody.

The race to determine how fast how many people get killed from an exponentially spreading, uncontrolled  virus started in China.  I tend to agree with the author of the article linked above, that it will likely end there as well.  I’m just a 60yo Air Force retiree with a passive interest in politics and and an active distaste for discarding defective Chinese auto parts.  The more I think about it, it’s almost poetic justice, but the price is too high.

What will it cost to re-orient the economy for the next century, and how much of the deleterious political and economic bullshit will get plowed under in the process?  I’m starting to think we are un-wittingly on the right track at this point.  Oftentimes the best way to re-build something is burn it to the ground and start over.  With all the restaurants closed, maybe the obesity problem will start to improve.  In any case, the lemming herd listening to Trump is already halfway over the edge.

Run to the fire!

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