Springtime in the Rockies

Well, not actually “in,” but pretty close.  Weather patterns follow similarly un-predictable mountain influences here, so close enough!  It’ll be cold and wet tomorrow, with the springtime transition now almost over.  We should be set for summer if we don’t get a tree-breaking snowfall this week.  The remnants of deadwood from last Fall’s early freeze can be seen in the last pic.  Mother nature is a real bitch around here occasionally.  I think she nearly killed that tree.

The last super-moon of the season, Flower Moon, was stunning.  Pixel doesn’t capture any detail in it at all, but you can see it’s apparent size in that 1st shot.  Finally got the deck railing project going, after buying most of the steel over two years ago.  It sat on the garage floor the past two years waiting for me to get well enough to work with it.  I ground out the kerosene tank welding project last summer only because I was able to do most of it sitting down.

The pups keep watch in the driveway any time I’m working in the garage or out front.  Anna is more of a sleeper, than a watcher.  We expect Francie to show up after exile in Florida soon.  Phoebe is in Texas with Tanner, with Michelle and everybody else remaining status quo.

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