The Stupid Leading the Blind

Expecting more of the same from the impostors posing as government officials here is par for the course.  Stay-at-Home has become Safer-at-Home in Colorado where infection and death rates have not peaked.  Restrictions are being tightened in some places and loosened in others, while not one lifting criteria set by the Federal government has been reached, as the Poseur-in-Chief foments rebellion.

Bury your dead and get back to work!

Some people already know where this is headed.  The infectious disease experts  have only just begun to understand it’s clinical implications.  Nobody in their right mind believes any progress against SARS-COv2 will be made without effective testing and tracing.  The U.S. healthcare system has not yet scratched the surface on that part of the project, while food lines continue growing across the country.  It really hurts watching the country I dedicated the best years of my life to going down the tubes.

Who has or had the virus? Nobody knows for sure.

“The White House will not allow the leading immunologist on the coronavirus task force to testify to Congress next week, calling the request ‘counter-productive’ to the administration’s efforts to contain the virus.”  I think they mean counterproductive to their efforts to contain their incompetence.

Singapore, a small, wealthy SE Asian nation, initially seeing stellar results, is now suffering a 2nd wave of hotspots.  China fucked up, and the U.S. doubled down on the exact same, stupid do-nothing response.  What do we call a high-intensity combination of willful ignorance and cognitive dissonance?  U.S. Pandemic Response 2020!  With PPE stocks already depleted, and crowds of angry bankruptcy candidates demanding their freedom, it’s gonna make the 1st wave look like a warm-up.

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