"It bothers me…"

Yes, it certainly is troubling.  Recognizing distractions, misinformation and in many cases, downright lies, causing confusion and angst in the Covid-19 situation is a BIG issue.  But what bothers me more than questionable media reporting on BOTH sides is the source of the stupidity.

It bothers me that a qualified, knowledgeable person such as Dr. Birx gets stuck being a Trump apologist.  It bothers me that a POTUS jokes about matters of life and death.  It bothers me that governments at all levels feel playing games with people’s lives seems to be a popular sporting activity in governance these days.

But what bothers me the most about our current national crisis is the rising death toll amid ongoing incoherence, and increasing politicization.  It really bothers me that science plays 2nd fiddle to stupidity these days.

The Cocksuckers and Christian Fuck-Asses are making us sick and robbing us blind.

This idiot is still at it.  People like that guy and Trump have recently provided the most stunning examples of the Dunning-Kreuger effect in modern history.

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