Hipocricy Defined

“Wisconsin’s largest city normally has 180 polling places on Election Day, but Albrecht said on Tuesday it will be down to five for the entire city.”

Fuck the virus, fuck the people – we have a government in need of more corruption!

Walmart workers are dying, for chrissakes!  It goes right along with the everything is essential concept.  It aligns with the impeachment show trial.  The Republican message is “we will do as we wish, and fuck you very much.”  This illustrates beyond any reasonable doubt, exactly what the conservative leaders of this society really care about.  It is one thing, and one thing only:  Stay in power.  They are playing with fire.  Fire spreads any way it likes.  Pendulums have a way of swinging.

“The things they had in there were crazy,” President Trump complained on Fox & Friends, referring to the Democratic proposals to encourage mailing a ballot to every American this fall. “They had things—levels of voting that, if you ever agreed to it, you’d never have a Republican elected in this country again.”

Amen to that.  (late update:)  The Democratic judge they were trying to defeat won anyway.  

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