Why Now?

Oh wait – a dangerous new virus is raging across the planet in an un-unprecedented global pandemic.  Now I get it.  THAT’S why we need things like sick leave and robust disaster preparedness along with decent child care and unemployment programs.

Apparently that stuff was too expensive, complicated or otherwise un-doable a month ago.  WTF happened?  Duh.  Just imagine if we had those things before the virus began spreading uncontrollably.  My hindsight is 20/20.  But we pay the government to have FOREsight – on things other than elections and corporate profiteering.  Once again, somehow it just doesn’t seem like we’re getting our money’s worth.

To hell with conservative dogma.  Those days are over.  Too bad it took fear for their very own lives to get off their rich, fat asses and do the right thing for a change.  Now we will wait to hear the walk-back after things clear up. 

This morning’s FDA press conference was scary.  I remain impressed with Trump’s ability to yammer on continuously without actually saying anything.  The FDA Director’s body language and appearance was telling.  I wondered if maybe we would witness a nationally-broadcast assassination attempt as he stood behind the Chump-in-Chief glaring angrily.

The CoronaVirus stance has transitioned from mitigation to suppression in many places around the world.  That in itself portends very grave consequences in terms of both healthcare and economic viability, the world over.  Remember the old saying “when the U.S. sneezes, Europe catches a cold?”  Buckle up.

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