Avoiding Human Contact

Had an interesting exercise in pandemic exposure.  I’ve been avoiding human contact since before I retired five years ago, but I digress.  First followup with Dr. Donner yesterday went well.  The bone grafts appear to be taking hold with no untoward indications.  I actually started walking somewhat normally, although still very time-limited, within just the past few days.  Secondary symptoms including various pain sources are all diminishing now – for the first time in 15 months.  Talk about awkward.  I wanted to hug the guy!  

Since I was already out anyway, I decided to stop for breakfast at my favorite Greasy Spoon on the way home.  I suppose it was good timing, because everything is now closed for dining-in.  Guess I got lucky.  Or not.  We’ll see if I turn up sick in a few days.  Back to normal today – avoiding human contact.

Yesterday’s Symptoms Log:

16 MAR 20: 1st followup w/Dr. Donner showed the bone grafts healing as expected. All other symptoms have evened out and diminished noticeably. Midsection still tensing hard, but the back brace makes walking tolerable. Nerve jolts are beginning to subside with the switch that was turning it on (spinal stenosis from an inflamed, festering injury) is gone.  My body still knows it has a major repair underway, but it is now successfully dealing with the surgery, instead of a losing battle against an internal injury.  I’ll try to to ramp up later this week after another little cold snap.

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