The Most Important Job

Funny how my posting theme transitioned heavily into politics over the past couple years.  The Ukranian fiasco represented a hard tipping point, for me.  This clown is an illegitimate President.  A huge pandemic spreads across the globe and the only thing Trump cares about is how it hurts his re-election campaign.  Every time I think it can’t get any worse, it does.  His narcissism, hubris and stupidity was killing Ukrainians and Kurds before.  Now it’s killing Americans. Where will it stop?

Must have been a line at the executive washroom shower.  How could you not feel dirty  after that?  Hat should read:  “Keep America Sick!”  Chris Hayes has it spot on.  Watch the whole disturbing spiel here.

But in retrospect, as pointed out by Leafly’s Bruce Barcott, we could have seen it coming.  There won’t be much left of the government by this time next year, regardless of who gets elected in the fall.


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