Your Un-Checked Government

I alluded to the smart/dumb people analogy in terms of government stupidity a few days ago.  The related learning from history or not analogy, as the case may be, applies here.  This is what you get with un-checked authoritarian religious bigots calling the shots:

“It has never been my practice to choose the popular course,” she said. “When others lie as naturally as they breathe, I become frustrated and angry.” She concluded “with one request—and that is that your committee protect those Americans who have honestly, wholesomely, and unselfishly tried to perfect this country and make the guarantees in our Constitution live. The actors, musicians, artists, composers, and all of the men and women of the arts are eager and anxious to help, to serve. Our country needs us more today than ever before. We should not be written off by the vicious slanders of little and petty men.”

Full story here.  69 years ago this gang of charlatans called a government ruined the career of a great artist for nothing.  Hazel Scott wasn’t the first, and certainly wasn’t the last.  These mutherfuckers running the government today have been laying low waiting for the Trump opportunity.  They are now in the process of a full-scale assault on women’s reproductive rights.

Fuck Trump.  Fuck the Government, and Fuck every single clergy, councilman, state rep or Federally-elected seat holder who thinks their conservative views on race, religion and sex are worth the slime they skate around on.


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