Bloomberg is a Twit

Watched most of the SC debate last night.  Very little stood out.  Buttigieg is clearly the most rational, smartest and best looking.  Biden appears to be a tired, old crank, repeating stock talking points regardless of their relevance to the question posed.  The women are strong and believable, but could never stand against Trump’s pre-approved misogynistic stance.

Bernie is the man.  Attacking him on the Russian topic right out of the gate at this juncture is telling.  Nobody really knows anything definitive about that just yet.  So the suggestion that people are doing cyber-work with the Russians presents an exploitable vulnerability attributable to anyone.  Everybody is working with the Russians in cyberspace.  It’s just a question of for-or-against in the wild Internet West.  They are monitoring this blog.  Does that make me a Russian asset?  Keywords are what they are #mutherfuckers. 

Bloom’s weak and disingenuous attack only proves his misunderstanding of technology and a willingness to exploit politically-charged buzzwords.  He needs to just get behind the front runner and start pumping money in the right direction.  Set one of your people up with the DNC and start writing checks before any chance of beating Trump slips away. 

Two sides of the wealth coin in American politics.

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