That's My Boys!

I knew it right away – just like when Malaysian flight 17 was shot down over the same AOR 6 years ago.  It doesn’t take a veteran space cadet to know it was bad actors any time an airliner goes down in flames.  The good thing out of this mess is SBIRS early warning keeps our troops safer.  I was working in the Block 10 control room when the Malaysian plane went down.  The big difference this time is the government was quick to say how we knew those missiles were coming.  Six years ago it was hush-hush for months.  SBIRS is the real deal.  Our adversaries have no corresponding capability and no answer for it.

Working with the Russians is tricky, huh Donnie?  We’ll expect to hear about upcoming negotiations on a new Russian missile warning treaty.

You want to know ASAP when this is coming at you.

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