Symptoms Log

Am I too melodramatic?  The death spiral has begun:

“20 JAN 20: Worsening symptoms now include the left leg and right shoulder. I suspect the present shoulder portion may be related more to the preexisting cervical condition itself being somehow aggravated by the worsening lumbar, due to lack of therapy(?). Re-started cervical spine decompression last week, but staying away from inversion on the lumbar for now. Radiculopathy is forcing me into a state of complete immobility. Glutes, erectors, obliques and thighs totally exhausted, stiff and sore 24×7. Any ambulatory activity at all is a difficult, painful struggle. Fusion surgery scheduled for Feb 11th.”

In addition to a cane, on-and-off over the past year I’ve simultaneously used a combination of two assistive devices, a kidney belt and sacrum support belt, to stabilize the lumbar whenever I expect to be leaving the house or doing anything on my feet for more than a few minutes at a time.  They helped extend up-time quite a bit on numerous occasions, but have little effect now.

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