OMG! The Queen is Pissed!

“When the most powerful members of the so-called royal “Firm’ meet at the queen’s Georgian mansion, Elizabeth, 93, and her son Charles, 71, will have to grapple with much more than family issues: their decisions could shape the monarchy’s future.”

People in England have been wondering about the monarchy’s future for decades.  The only question was if and when some unmitigated backlash would take root.  Enter Meghan Markle.  Did anybody really think this medieval holdover from the days when serfs really serf’d and rulers ran roughshod over the populace at will would last through an American celebrity?  Sheesh.  C’mon people – dump this huge waste of resources and encourage the royals to go retire somewhere in anonymity.

This is what they are afraid of  “Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are considering sitting down for a “no-holds-barred’ television interview about their decision to step back from their royal duties.”

Are these two going to spill the beans on what the British Monarchy is really all about – a bunch of racist, parasite cunts with no real reason to be in the year 2020?

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