Colorful Colorado

…may not really be all it’s cracked up to be, according to Out There Colorado columnist Spencer Mckee.  It’s hard to question high-level generalities like cited in yesterday’s piece, but then again, that’s exactly why I tend to disagree.  These things can be said about anywhere popular crowds gather and people flock to live.  Two of his eight points (drivers and tourists) are personal pet peeves of mine, but they may be found wherever the action is or was, anywhere I’ve ever been.

It’s hard to complain about the weather events mentioned when they amount to only a few days inconvenience at most.  People are either sweltering in humidity all summer long, or freezing their petooties off for months on end soon as the leaves are down in much of the rest of the country.  Everything else mentioned is just a locally peculiar manifestation of the popularity phenomenon, where demand exceeds supply in any given example – simple economics, performing the same machinations in similar places the world over.

Food?  Meh.  Michelle’s a great cook.  I imagine the best restaurant in the world is going to be considered overrated to me, not that I’m interested in finding out.

Eight reasons not to move “anywhere” look better in Colorado!


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