Facebook Again

“Though Facebook exempts politicians’ ads from fact-checking, the company said politicians would not be allowed to run ads or post content that conflicts with its census policies.”

Apparently Facebook’s stock in trade is dishonesty and lies.  Some (politicians) are OK with that, other topics (census) are not.  Has corporate America become the truth arbiter in this country?  Of course.  It just didn’t become widely apparent until the Internet and mass media exposed the cocksucker’s scheme:  money- grubbing bastards parlaying personal information to grab their paydays by any means necessary – not to mention the live-stream, electioneering, hate, racist, privacy and other endearing issues Fuckbook’s recently raised in our collective consciousness.

It should be called Fuckbook – Fuck you, fuck your privacy and fuck the truth. Just fuck it, put whatever-the-hell-you-want up in here, we only want the money.

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