Nice Try

Great – another number to call when you’re contemplating offing yourself.  Maybe they’ll make an app for that.  Sometimes I wonder if the people working these programs have ever been the 1st person operative in a relevant scenario themselves.  When it comes time to make a phone call, it’s already far too late in some cases.  Prevention to me, means mitigating the contributors that eventually amount to a self-inflicted death.

The Federal Communications Commission announced Thursday that it was putting forward a proposal to designate 988 as a “suicide prevention and mental health crisis hotline.

Here’s the latest entry from my symptoms log, currently urging me to blow my brains out:

“14 DEC 2019: Constant glow from the injury site itself is now on the rise, probably I suspect, due to the discogram. It’s running a steady 3-4P level now, with the occasional movement jabs amplified as well. Any physical activity like walking or just simply standing, push it much higher, more quickly. Being basically sedentary has become a constant state of discomfort, punctuated with insomnia and acute flare-ups.”

That’s on top of the other, more troubling symptoms.  It’s that bad.  I can’t live like this.  Left untreated, it probably wouldn’t be up to me, anyway.  But like I told my Dad, I’m tired of talking about it.  Ending this by any means necessary is a perfectly rational decision.

Don’t get me wrong – the phone lines certainly are a necessary, beneficial factor in the equation.  I imagine a large cross-section of the “suicidal population” as t’were, is not really suicidal, so getting them on the phone is liable to stop them from acting.  But it ain’t doing much for the overall growth of that population, generally speaking.  Have a look in this little corner of potential suicide hell for another good clue.  I use the term “hell” only to highlight the religious connotation there.  I can’t possibly begin to imagine what that poor girl was going through.  If you don’t call that the epitome of suicide prevention failure, I don’t know what is.

A few more details on Alana’s case.

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