Wake Up, PA!

I see Mike Dense made a visit to my old stomping grounds yesterday.  I hope the folks back home have seen enough Russian propaganda for one election cycle.  It would behoove them to look past the memes and rhetoric.  The current political climate outlook is frigid with sub-zero alt-right low-pressure systems building in the minds of unstable voters. 

I thought they were just stupid. These mutherfuckers are dangerous. Stupid and dangerous is a poor combination of character traits in your leaders. Wake up, people.

Most sentient people understand the principle of politicians being basically professional liars.  This is nothing new.  It’s just the nature of the business – nothing personal.  It could even be a GOOD thing – as long as they are trading lies about their official business.  There comes a point where the line gets drawn.  These bastards get in my wheelhouse when they start playing illegal, treasonous games with the American People’s hard-earned money.

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