Why Don't the Govt. Mutherfuckers Ban Cigarettes, Too?

…Because that might cut into somebody’s bottom line, just like the Sucklers were permitted to spend decades sucking the life out of opiate addicts.  But hey, gotta keep the tobacco companies going, so let ’em slide!  50-some-thousand people a year die from smoking-related illness for fuck’s sake and you don’t see any scare stories about that leading the evening news.  Let’s just overlook the simple fact that the whole vaping phenomenon, whether it is Cannabis, Nicotine, Flavoring or any other thing you may point to – exists solely to keep the tobacco companies in business.  

So what are they doing now?  Ramping up overseas marketing and sales.  What the fuck – gotta get money somewhere.  Might as well focus on the poorest people who cannot resist or fight back.  Ever wonder why the U.S. is so widely despised the world over?  Might it have anything to do with our penchant for exporting greed, violence and death?  Ya think?

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