News is not News

NPR ran a story this morning about how Trump posted a satellite image.  Was it the about the Iranian launch accident?  Perhaps something to do with the Euro-Iranian nuclear deal?  Anything about the tweet or picture WRT Iran?  Anything at all?  Reuters is no better.  Today they published nearly back-to-back pieces talking about “hundreds of protesters,” then “thousands of protesters.” Which is it?  Is there any integrity left in the media anywhere at all?

Fuck no.  But you’ll certainly find plenty of patently false information about satellite imagery and editorializing about poor POTUS judgement.  I hate Trump as much as the next guy.  But what I hate even more are the fuck-assed bastards running around playing politics with things as fundamentally simple as news reporting.  Politics and Greed have irreparably damaged our culture.  Nothing broadcast on the airwaves or published on the Internet can be trusted any longer.

Then they push the agenda for an argument about the goddamned weather turned political. 


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