"I Don't Wanna Waste Your Co-Pay"

…said the 20-something blue-jeans-clad office assistant, upon determining they did not have access to my imaging, rendering my appearance at the neurologists office yesterday morning moot.  Thanks for not wasting my money.  I think.  I was a bit surprised, since making a point to specifically ask about that, to which a VA staffer informed me “…sure, but they may want to do their own imaging.”  Apparently, a wasted appointment is needed to make that determination.  I bet they collect alot of copays that way.

What was all that nonsense I’ve been hearing about universal electronic healthcare records sharing?  Oh right – this is 2019 and the sharing part is still sneaker-net.  Oddly, a request for new imaging was denied, even with blanket insurance authorization and credit card in hand.  I’m taking bets on what the next obstacle blocking my quest for treatment will be.  I’m guessing their software will not read the CDROM handed to me by a VA staffer an hour later.  I’ve got to stop thinking it’s not possible to be jerked around any more than I already have been with this hip operation fiasco. 

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