This Country Is Fucked

Christianity. Government. Separation of Church and State. Freedom. Abortion. Trump.

What do these terms have in common? Taken together with their interwoven fabric of fundamentally moronic asshats, they suggest the biggest hypocritical fraud to ever smear the human condition on this planet. I will not vote in another U.S. election until after these cocksuckers back off and take their rightful place in the dustbin of history. They may have won the Crusades, but the next one will be different.

Religious charlatan overseers amass billions in wealth from the financial support of armies of mindless cretins, enjoying tax-free status with devout leaders seeded throughout all levels and branches of government. Anyone believing this state of affairs reflects freedom and religion’s separation from state matters is truly daft. These assholes get away with making laws controlling women’s bodies with no accountability to the taxpayers funding their salaries because gawd told them so. That’s been the plan all along. Let the people vote with the illusion of free will, but regulate any and every thing possible to the benefit of the church(es) and businesses paying with votes and campaign contributions.

Fuck Christianity and to hell with the fuckwit legislators who support it and their medieval mindset. These people are scary. Political engineering needs to come out of the shadows of corporate America, including the churches. Stop talking out one side of your mouth, while denying everything you are SUPPOSED to stand for out the other. And stay the fuck away from our daughter’s bodies.

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