The More Things Change…

I continue following SBIRS, the career-long space program I worked on while employed with Lockheed and the Air Force on-and-off for 34 years. Looks like it’s raising eyebrows at the highest levels once again. A recent article from C4ISRNET covers it pretty well:

“The missile warning mission in space is tricky. The program’s predecessor, SBIRS, faced significant cost growth over the years. According to an April 3 Government Accountability Office report, the SBIRS program grew by $19.9 billion, or 265 percent, over initial estimates. Furthermore, the first satellite launch was delayed by roughly nine years and the fifth and sixth satellites, which are slated for launches in 2021 and 2022 respectively, are at risk of delay. At $1.6 billion, the Air Force’s 2020 budget request for SBIRS is double what Congress approved last year.”

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