The Playing Field is Leveling

It took three generations, and I cannot believe I’m still putting this stuff under the Politics category. But that’s the way it goes when religious nutbags and greedy capitalists get together to run a country. it’s too late for the millions of people (almost half a million DEAD in the U.S. alone since 1999) with lives ruined or lost at the hands of these bastards.

Then look at the other side of the same coin with another few million in prison or otherwise unfairly subjected to collateral damage in the war on drugs. What was the long-term plan? Keep the dopers in the closet and the stoners in jail? Jesus-H-Fucking Christ.

All that’s really needed now is to free the finances. Since when was money not the “big thing” behind any controversy? Then it’s time to put that gang of fuckwits known as the Sacklers in jail.  Business dishonesty is de-rigeur.  But the old caveat-emptor concept doesn’t cut it when people conspire to profit from evil. The cocksuckers were selling addiction and death to anyone able to pay.

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