Why is FaceBook Still Around?

Answer: Because our government is impotent to affect corporate commerce in meaningful ways apart from tacitly supporting the criminally derelict activities of greedy wealth-sucking companies. The previous post illustrates one of the best examples of just how well that’s working out. I’ve been ready to start an active anti-FB campaign for awhile now. This might just be the tipping point for me. Don’t think FB themselves had anything to do with exposing this story, either. That says something people with their eyes and ears open might understand.

Illicit FB activity has been allowed for years, while they knew it was taking place and did nothing to stop it. Under cover of the family-friendly image everyone knows and loves, this insidious gang of greedy bastards has tapped directly into the dark side of human evil on many levels. It needs to be stopped. They know it, we know it and the government knows it. But FB achieved “Too Big to Fail” status, and the money numbers are too high. Corruption and scandal ensues.

Do yourselves and the world in general a favor, and DUMP FACEBOOK!

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