Cannabis' Metabolic Benefits

The evidence keeps rolling in:

“The study’s results are consistent with a number of prior trials — such as those here, here, and here — finding that a history of marijuana use is associated with a lower prevalence of obesity, high cholesterol, and diabetes.”

I can personally corroborate the above claims.  I’ve been using weed to manage my arthritis and neurological issues for going on 4 years now, and the results are just fantastic.  I’ve lost weight and stopped taking all the pharmaceuticals I have been prescribed over the years.  Cholesterol, Blood Pressure, Pain and Depression are all under control.
Here’s some personal proof, for the doubters:  I had a left THR (total hip replacement) on 8 January.  I used about half the Oxycodone they sent me home from the hospital with.  I remember begging for more when it ran out after the 1st THR done on the right 5 years ago.  Cannabis can’t prevent me from running my body into the ground, but it sure makes getting there more bearable.

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