The Freak Show

The New Hampshire Gazette recently ran a couple of opposing editorial viewpoints.  Taken together, they reveal a disturbing political truth we are living through these days:

“Trump is nothing but a freak show which serves to distract the public so that McConnell and the rest of the ghouls in the GOP can go on looting and polluting.”

Fair enough – pretty much my take. Problem is, they couldn’t just loot and pollute “as-is.” Noooo. They had go in and try to roll back the playing field to 50 years ago before people realized what was going on. That was the editorial response to this:

“The left underestimates the intelligence of the common man. The left is a movement populated by fools who by identifying with the elites, think themselves to be elites, when in fact those elites do all they can to isolate themselves from anyone who does not meet the requirements to join their club. The elites use their base only to maintain power but do nothing for that base except to make them feel superior to Trump voters. “

So if you pick through the partisan bickering, bottom line is, at least Trump is trying to keep campaign promises. Small consolation.
No IMHO, what we have here is the early stages of the utter failure of western democracy. There is no middle ground. The so-called “common man” no longer has a voice in government – if he ever did. The only thing left to do is to sit back and watch the show while a government diametrically opposed to it’s own stated intent, implodes.

Government is not the solution to our problem – government IS the problem.” -Ronald Reagan, 1981 Inaugural Address

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