Goldies in for the Winter

These guys were moved to their basement domicile over 2 months ago, but things have been pretty busy around here lately, so I only just now got around to getting a good pic. It’s just as well, because that 120-gallon in the basement corner there always gets some sort of white algae or bacterial bloom on the inside of the glass after starting it back up every year. It is the only one of 4 tanks that does this, but always clears up after a couple cleanings. I suspect it is due to the small amount of sunlight it gets every morning in the late fall before the sun’s inclination makes it disappear entirely from the basement. Either that or the lower temperature or possibly the fish themselves somehow explains this phenomenon, but I really don’t know. Those are the only three things I can think of that are different about this tank.

They have 2 Marineland canisters keeping things clean now. The Pond Plants also got an upgrade for the winter season this year. It was only a procedural change and I’ve been kicking myself for not thinking of it before. These plants flourished well in the pond for 3 years, but barely survived in their winter basement home. This year I started replenishing their water with the aquarium water change that just went down the drain before. It’s nutrient rich water the plants seem to love and after 2 months they are actually showing new growth!

The water clover did so well in 2017 it completely covered the surface at one point. I suspect that is probably what prevented predation last year.

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