Introducing Anna Mae

Annie for short – a lab mix from Rezdog Rescue. She’s a bit shy with that pouty puppy look only cute puppies can have. My family might recognize the strong resemblance to a little pup named Annie from back in the 70’s at my boyhood home in Murdocksville, PA. This one is going to get a little bigger than the 1st Annie Shaffer.

Anna Mae

There was the expected tense few moments Saturday, including when Jax snapped at her for getting too close his biscuit. He teases the other pets with his morning biscuit to exert dominance by just carrying it around for hours, daring anyone to approach. Looks like he’ll be forced to actually eat them right away going forward. And of course Kiki had to get a swipe in at one point. Marshall, the big tomcat, couldn’t seem to care less. He’ll probably find more to worry about as she grows bigger, but it looks like Annie’s been well-accepted into the herd.

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