More Nefarious Government Collusion

Conservative Modus Operandi: First you get control by stealing the election, then rush to implement as much of the agenda as possible, including diversionary tactics like re-scheduling a drug (but not it’s source), because some of this stuff is just so stupid you know another election win is totally out of the question.

A couple months ago, I posted a little quip about the end of the Marijuana Prohibition era. It’s truly un-deniable – it IS coming. Then you see stuff like this:

“In other words, rather than apply generally to all CBD-based products, the order applies to only those that have cleared FDA’s expensive and time-consuming approval process.”

So according to the DEA, Cannabidiol (CBD), the non-psychoactive, safe, highly effective and clinically proven compound occurring naturally in the Cannabis plant is still a dangerous drug with no medical application. Really? This is such total horseshit it almost defies comprehension. It benefits nothing and nobody except the drug companies and harms everyone without access, or who cannot afford it.

But comprehending the new DEA scheduling makes perfect sense. The collective conscious that is our government cares only about a few things. Near the top of that list is the monetary math supporting establishment and protection of wealthy political contributor’s unfair market advantage through (among other things) corrupt regulatory practices. The health and well-being of millions of citizens does not factor into that equation.

These pharmaceutical companies can profit from millions of people addicted to opiates, then get away with shyt like this.  Our culture has already legalized Marijuana. The question is how long will it take for the laws to catch up. People need to stop promoting and buying the pharma garbage, starting with doctors who should be smart enough to know better.

Maybe enough of them are just too greedy to care as well.

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