Shelly is Gone

Our little Skipperke Shelly, gave up the ghost last night. She lived to be 14 and was just a great little pup – never any trouble and ruled the zoo like a queen for many years. The worst she ever did was getting in the bathroom trash can and chewing up Phoebe’s underpants. I thought that was great, assuming it to be an excellent lesson to learn about picking up her room. Nice try Shelly!

Despite starting to lose her eyesight to cataracts a couple years ago she was still getting around quite well in familiar territory. As recently as this past spring she would go with Jax and me on what I call “the Creek Walk.” A few times a week when I was up for it, we’d take a little loop around the neighborhood along NoName creek. She really seemed to enjoy it as long as we stopped every so often and made a little noise so she could hear us. But lately she’s not been wanting to go.

Bye-bye Shelly – we’ll miss you!


One Reply to “Shelly is Gone”

  1. Hey Dave,
    So sorry to hear about your little dog. Pets really do become part of your family.It sounds like she lived a pretty good life.
    Take Care,

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