Cannabis Prohibition is Effectively Over

It was gonna happen sooner or later. And no, Herr Trump did not make another executive order and the Supreme Court hasn’t had anything to say about it either. But the wheels of government turn slowly – when they move at all. Anyone with their ear to ground on the Cannabis issue saw it coming years ago, and like the article says, June 2018 was a banner month.

I know it saved me. I have such an acute case of full-body arthritis and lesser neuropathy symptoms, doctors were prescribing a max dose of Tramadol for years, along with shot-in-the-dark attempts at things like anti-depressants and high-strength prescription anti-inflammatory drugs (one of which induced coronary symptoms). It continued being a downhill slide, health-wise during that time. I was just drugged out of my mind, not feeling it so much. Now after a couple years of learning how to use weed, I can say although not recovered by any means, I am myself again and can live a somewhat physically less un-comfortable life – without dangerous pharmaceutical drugs.

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